The Disney+ original series created by Jorge and Alberto Sánchez-Cabezudo arrives exclusively on March 6!
The Disney+ original series Nos Vemos en Otra Vida, created by brothers Jorge and Alberto Sánchez-Cabezudo (Crematorio, La Zona), will air exclusively on March 6. The series was produced in collaboration with Kubik Films in Spain.
The 6-episode, 52-minute drama is an adaptation of journalist Manuel Jabois’ book “Nos vemos en esta vida o en la otra”, which is based on an interview with Gabriel Montoya Vidal, Baby, about his connection with the biggest jihadist attack on European soil on March 11, 2004. That year, Baby was a sixteen-year-old teenager who, along with Emilio Trashorras, took part in the transfer of explosives to be used in Madrid. Baby was the first person to be convicted of the attacks. His testimony was decisive in the macro-trial that took place in 2007.
Sofía Fábregas, Vice President Disney+ Spain:
It’s a necessary series. With the authors Jorge and Alberto Sánchez-Cabezudo and Manuel Jabois, we are presenting one of the most painful episodes in our history to current generations, with rigor and sensitivity towards the victims.