Barjac is, above all, driven by a passion for fiction, a bold spirit, and a craving for new challenges in a rapidly changing landscape.
Fictions not only reflect life but also provide a wide-open gateway to the realm of imagination.
Within Barjac, the team’s DNA is all about stories, all kinds of stories. The imaginary worlds to explore are limitless!
Production also involves collective collaboration with a wonderful team, including Lolita Franchet, who has been a producer alongside Marie Dupuy d’Angeac since April 2021 and Marjorie Groiselle, who supports the team on a daily basis. Barjac is dedicated to bringing together talents and skills to create beautiful synergies.
Some productions
Emma Bovary
Made In France
Florence Cassandre is a sharp and skilled cop, but the charming police captainis first and foremost a devotedmother. Cassandre goesagainsther best careerinterests and accepts a transfersoshe can benearher son Jules, who’s been put into a high school for juvenileoffenders. Shetakes over as the police chief in the town of Annecy, whereher new colleaguestake a haughty attitude towardtheirParisian boss. Cassandre isafraid the slow pace in the sleepytownwillleaveherbored, but herpreconceptions are quicklydashed as the crimes come rolling in non-stop.
1857. A courtroom. The prosecutor and defensecounselprepare to face off. Betweenthem: Gustave Flaubert, the man on trial. Madame Bovary ischargedwithobscenity and offending public morals. As the twosideslay out their cases, the novelsprings to life. Emma’s story unfoldsbeforeoureyes. The trial is a reality check for us, rekindling the debate over the status of women at the time. Whatwill the verdict be for Flaubert?Whatwill the verdict be for women... for all the otherEmmas?
Production: Marie Dupuy d'Angeac; Laurence Bachman
Realization: Didier Bivel
Style: Fiction
Broadcast on: France 2
Duration: 90 min
Made In France
C’est la crise ! Rita, 50 ans, découvre que son mari Olivier l’a trompée. Or Rita et Olivier c’est 30 ans de vie commune, 4 enfants, et quand elle ne s’occupe pas d’eux, Rita assiste Olivier en faisant la compta de son garage-carrosserie. Mais qui est cette « autre » femme ? Olympe, 38 ans, cadre dirigeante chez Valières, grande marque française de maroquinerie de luxe est l’opposé de Rita. Femme de pouvoir, elle est issue d'un milieu très privilégié. Bête de travail et d’ambition, elle est chic, belle, et possède un CV long comme le bras. Rita décide de la confronter et se rend au siège de Valières. Mais rien ne se passe comme prévu. Et alors que Rita a toutes les raisons de détester Olympe, et Olympe de se méfier de Rita, Rita va au contraire, bien qu’elle n’y connaisse rien au monde du luxe, ... devenir l’assistante d’Olympe ! Forcées de travailler ensemble, combien de temps un tel duo pourra-t-il tenir ?
Made in France (BARJAC) : Label Ecoprod 3 étoiles
La plus haute distinction, elle récompense les efforts constants pour réduire notre impact environnemental. Ce label atteste que nous avons intégré l'écoresponsabilité à chaque étape de la production.
Production: BARJAC
Realization: Mathilde Vallet
With: Cécile Bois, Antonia Desplat, Thierry Neuvic, Didier Flamand, Nicolas Martinez, Nadia Roz, Louise Malek, Arthur Guivarch, Hadrien Kerhervé, Jin Xuan Mao
Broadcast on: France 2 / France TV
Marie Dupuy d'Angeac
Marie Dupuy d'Angeac joined Laurence Bachman in 2019 to produce the successful series Cassandre for France 3. Then, in 2021, they collaborated on Emma Bovary, an adaptation of Flaubert's cult novel, for France 2.
In 2021, Marie Dupuy d'Angeac succeeded Laurence Bachman as the Managing Director of Barjac Production. She owes a lot to this prominent producer and her passion for mentoring, and today, she is committed to preserving the bold spirit of fiction that characterizes her work while embracing the new challenges in a rapidly changing landscape.
Marie's initial foray into the industry dates back to the series H for Canal+ and La Crim' for France 2. She then spent a considerable amount of time as a program manager at FTV, where she had the opportunity to be involved with various fiction projects, ranging from prestigious collections to mainstream series, across all genres.
Lolita Franchet
Lolita Franchet began her career as an actress in 1999, working in theater, cinema, and television for about a decade.
In 2009, she transitioned to the field of audiovisual production, initially working as a production assistant for documentaries at Viva Productions (projects such as L'heure de l'opéra, Virgin part en Live, Les routes improbables...). Later, in 2015, she became the Literary Director of Cassandre, a series for France 3 produced by Barjac Production. She was then appointed as a Producer within Barjac Production in 2021.